
Monday Feb 26, 2018
MIRROR-E1-TOS When the Defiant Entered the Mirror Universe ...
Monday Feb 26, 2018
Monday Feb 26, 2018
"The Tholian Web"
During the break between seasons of Star Trek: Discovery, Moms Going Boldly explores Star Trek episodes with ties to the Mirror Universe, starting with "The Tholian Web." Answering a distress call from a Federation starship, the crew of the Enterprise discover the ship is phasing between universes, and the stresses of the change caused the Defiant's crew to kill each other. They lose the Captain, find him again, and escape the clever trap of the Tholians - but the Defiant is lost.
Trigger warning: Discussion of the shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School
Moms Going Boldly is two moms who are Star Trek fans and who also happen to write about autism, talking about the new Star Trek: Discovery television series. We make comparisons to the older series, the movies, and throw in a little bit of autism when we see it. It's not polished, it won't come out regularly but we're having fun!
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Momsgoingboldly/
And on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MomsGoingBoldly
Music: "Without Limits" by Ross Bugden Music (Twitter @RossBugden) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (creativecommons.org).

Saturday Feb 17, 2018
DSC-S1E15 Medals for Everyone!
Saturday Feb 17, 2018
Saturday Feb 17, 2018
"Will You Take My Hand"
In this final episode of the first season of Star Trek: Discovery, all of the major plot lines are wrapped up (because the writers were not sure there would be a second season, we guess); but there are enough interesting and compelling plot elements left behind to keep the story going (because the writers were hoping there would be a second season - also guessing).
In the end, our faith in the Federation's morals and Starfleet's mission were restored, along with Michael Burnham's commission, and the U.S.S. Discovery sails off into a Vulcan sunset ... but wait! A distress call! From a wonderfully, nostagically familar ship ...
Moms Going Boldly is two moms who are Star Trek fans and who also happen to write about autism, talking about the new Star Trek: Discovery television series. We make comparisons to the older series, the movies, and throw in a little bit of autism when we see it. It's not polished, it won't come out regularly but we're having fun!
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Momsgoingboldly/
And on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MomsGoingBoldly
Music: "Without Limits" by Ross Bugden Music (Twitter @RossBugden) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (creativecommons.org).

Saturday Feb 10, 2018
DSC-S1E14 To Be Or Not To Be Star Fleet When Fighting The Klingons
Saturday Feb 10, 2018
Saturday Feb 10, 2018
"The War Without and the War Within"
The U.S.S. Discovery is back in its own universe, and things are a mess. The Klingons control most of Federation space, and House D'Ghor got a screaming deal on Starbase 1. Within 100 AUs of earth, Star Fleet must do something to end the war, and L'Rell tells the Admiral that the only option is "to conquer us." But the Federation doesn't conquer worlds - so now what? They go underground, of course!
Moms Going Boldly is two moms who are Star Trek fans and who also happen to write about autism, talking about the new Star Trek: Discovery television series. We make comparisons to the older series, the movies, and throw in a little bit of autism when we see it. It's not polished, it won't come out regularly but we're having fun!
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Momsgoingboldly/
And on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MomsGoingBoldly
Music: "Without Limits" by Ross Bugden Music (Twitter @RossBugden) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (creativecommons.org).

Thursday Feb 01, 2018
DSC-S1E13 Oh ... No ... Bad Decision Michael ...
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
"What's Past is Prologue"
Lorca's coup against the Emperor is going full force, but for him it's really all about Burnham in a creepy, sad sort of way. Burnham gets her long-needed redeption from mirror Philippa - unfortunately, when her emotions are involved Michael can make the worst choices! We're talking about a Klingon-less episode with all the hallmarks of great Star Trek, it's Moms Going Boldly!
Moms Going Boldly is two moms who are Star Trek fans and who also happen to write about autism, talking about the new Star Trek: Discovery television series. We make comparisons to the older series, the movies, and throw in a little bit of autism when we see it. It's not polished, it won't come out regularly but we're having fun!
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Momsgoingboldly/
And on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MomsGoingBoldly
Music: "Without Limits" by Ross Bugden Music (Twitter @RossBugden) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (creativecommons.org).

Monday Jan 29, 2018
MOVIE-BONUS "Please Stand By" Movie Review
Monday Jan 29, 2018
Monday Jan 29, 2018
What happens when you make a movie about Star Trek and autism? Moms Going Boldly will review it of course! Join Elizabeth and Vickie as we talk about the movie Please Stand By, discussing both the Star Trek aspects and its portrayal of autism.
Moms Going Boldly is two moms who are Star Trek fans and who also happen to write about autism, talking about the new Star Trek: Discovery television series. We make comparisons to the older series, the movies, and throw in a little bit of autism when we see it. It's not polished, it won't come out regularly but we're having fun!
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Momsgoingboldly/
And on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MomsGoingBoldly
Music: "Without Limits" by Ross Bugden Music (Twitter @RossBugden) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (creativecommons.org).
"Please Stand By" photo courtesy of Magnolia Pictures
Note from Elizabeth: All discussions about my son were reviewed and approved by him prior to publishing this podcast.

Friday Jan 26, 2018
DSC-S1E12 There's No Ducking the Fidget Spinner of Death
Friday Jan 26, 2018
Friday Jan 26, 2018
The Emperor to the left of her, Kelpiens to the right, Burnham is stuck in the middle with us. Stamets meanders through the maze of his comatose reality, while L'Rell refuses Saru's request to ease Tyler-Voq's suffering. And Lorca? Yeah, we were right about him after all. It's good to be Moms Going Boldly!
Moms Going Boldly is two moms who are Star Trek fans and who also happen to write about autism, talking about the new Star Trek: Discovery television series. We make comparisons to the older series, the movies, and throw in a little bit of autism when we see it. It's not polished, it won't come out regularly but we're having fun!
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Momsgoingboldly/
And on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MomsGoingBoldly
Music: "Without Limits" by Ross Bugden Music (Twitter @RossBugden) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (creativecommons.org).

Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
DSC-S1E11 The One I Want to Be Human For
Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
The Wolf Inside"
Voq is back, Georgiou is back, Tilly kills Stamets, and Lorca is smirking. On the edge of our seats and keeping us up all night, this episode was powerful, packed, and phenomenal. Every moment, every scene is riveting from the writing and acting, to the gorgeous sets and look. We ache for Michael Burnham in her role as Captain of the ISS Shenzou, walking the narrow line of maintaining her disguise while keeping to her Starfleet principals ... and then it all falls apart. Or does it? It's Moms Going Boldly!
Moms Going Boldly is two moms who are Star Trek fans and who also happen to write about autism, talking about the new Star Trek: Discovery television series. We make comparisons to the older series, the movies, and throw in a little bit of autism when we see it. It's not polished, it won't come out regularly but we're having fun!
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Momsgoingboldly/
And on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MomsGoingBoldly
Music: "Without Limits" by Ross Bugden Music (Twitter @RossBugden) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (creativecommons.org).

Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
DSC-S1E10 For Into Darkness Fell His Star
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
"Despite Yourself"
As we open the second half of the first season of Star Trek: Discovery, Vickie and Elizabeth are left stunned by an episode that is in every way unexpected. The Discovery crew learn they have left their universe and have entered another - purposefully via Captain Lorca's navigation command override? Or through accidentally through an error with the spore drive?
To survive, the crew must take on the roles of their mirror universe counterparts with Captain Tilly threatening other officers, Captain Burnham killing her successor, and Captain Lorca paying a visit to the agony booth. Lieutenant Stamets' mind is traversing space and time, and Lieutenant Tyler struggles with demons within and without, leaving us shocked. It's Mom's Going Boldly!
Moms Going Boldly is two moms who are Star Trek fans and who also happen to write about autism, talking about the new Star Trek: Discovery television series. We make comparisons to the older series, the movies, and throw in a little bit of autism when we see it. It's not polished, it won't come out regularly but we're having fun!
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Momsgoingboldly/
And on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MomsGoingBoldly
Music: "Without Limits" by Ross Bugden Music (Twitter @RossBugden) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (creativecommons.org).
"For Into Darkness Fell His Star" is a line from the poem "The Fall of Gil-galad" by J.R.R. Tolkien

Friday Jan 05, 2018
DSC-S1E8.5 The Halftime Score: Story-Telling 1, Klingon Subtitles 0
Friday Jan 05, 2018
Friday Jan 05, 2018
We're halfway through the first season and the crowd is cheering! Or at least Vickie and Elizabeth are.
Eight episodes into the first new Star Trek series in years, we're talking about what we have liked so far (great writing), what we have not liked (Klingon subtitles), our favorite episodes (we have different opinions on that), what we hope we see in the next half (totally aligned) and our wacky, far out theories about what we think is going to happen next! Its Mom's Going Boldly!
Moms Going Boldly is two moms who are Star Trek fans and who also happen to write about autism, talking about the new Star Trek: Discovery television series. We make comparisons to the older series, the movies, and throw in a little bit of autism when we see it. It's not polished, it won't come out regularly but we're having fun!
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Momsgoingboldly/
And on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MomsGoingBoldly
Music: "Without Limits" by Ross Bugden Music (Twitter @RossBugden) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (creativecommons.org).

Thursday Dec 14, 2017
DSC-S1E9 Accomplishing the Star Trek-y Techno-Nerdy Plan
Thursday Dec 14, 2017
Thursday Dec 14, 2017
"Into the Forest I Go"
The Klingons are coming and the peace-loving Pahvans will be at their mercy! Only Discovery can save them, even if it means defying Starfleet's orders (again), thrusting Burnham and Lieutenant Tyler into danger (again), and risking Lieutenant Stamets life (again). An excellent cliff-hanger for the end of the first half of the season, we talk about Captain Lorca's genius-level manipulation skills, swoon for a truly Star Trek techno-nerdy plan, compare a draft title sequence theme against the one that was selected, and ask our listeners (cool! we have listeners!) to come back in January!
Moms Going Boldly is two moms who are Star Trek fans and who also happen to write about autism, talking about the new Star Trek: Discovery television series. We make comparisons to the older series, the movies, and throw in a little bit of autism when we see it. It's not polished, it won't come out regularly but we're having fun!
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Momsgoingboldly/
And on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MomsGoingBoldly
Music: "Without Limits" by Ross Bugden Music (Twitter @RossBugden) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (creativecommons.org).